Tuesday, August 9, 2011


            I recently had an artist block in terms of developing my original story. Well after much thought I believe this is the most original story every made by me. The characters and ending of the story are still getting buffed out, but the main character is pretty much set. I drew up a couple rough sketches to see if i like the design. Think i might try a younger age, but liked the overall effect. Hopefully I will have more development of the story in due time.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My Dog Ellie

First successful picture of my biggest dog. Had to hold a treat in front of the door to draw this....

We Really Can't Dance...

            One of my all time favorite animations is Cat's Don't Dance by Turner Feature Animation recently came out on ITunes. I bought the movie and watched it for several days, never getting old of the tippidy tappidy cats and the evil Darla Dimple. Recently my best friend Catie was having a hard time with her new college setting and having little friends around to do stuff with. To cheer her up, I made two versions of my Cat's Don't Dance characters and emailed them to her. I dressed one of the cat's up with her Halloween costume attire, so she obviously fell in love with that one (Right side in the picture below).

Warlock and her Bear

            A small present I did for two very close friends. Both play World of Warcraft and wanted their characters drawn in the picture. I'm pleased with my progression on the texture, but still seem to hold that "Anime" style to human faces. That will hopefully be the next thing to improve in my work.

My viking

            Personally, I hate the way the figure came out and the hand structure is all wrong. But I really like this one for the way the color combinations came out. It took several hours of testing the colors and texture, but I really think thats what brought this picture to life. Hopefully in the future I can maybe improve this piece. I have the before and after to show a little insight into my process.

Orange Owl

            Recently, I have been watching Legend of the Guardians: the Owls of Gah'oole and fell in love with the way the movie was centered around the movement and grace of the owls as well as the specific details. I decided to do some research on what these owls look like and found that there were a variety of traits that make each one unique. The final product of my owl I was very pleased with, for the texture really seemed to help enhance it this time. I hope my style continues to improve as the year goes on.